Navigation – Liaison


Navigation services for francophone clients

Francophone health system navigator (FHSN)

This service is for any French-speaking patient, client, or resident, or anyone who prefers to receive health information in French (except Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon clients). The introduction of a FHSN is part of a pilot project that provides support to French-speaking patients and families to improve their navigation and access through the health-care system. If French is your language of choice and you require health information or resources, or if you have any questions related to an Eastern Health service, please contact the FHSN at 709-699-2409 or

This pilot project is made possible thanks to the support of Health Canada through the Société Santé en Français in partnership with the Newfoundland and Labrador Francophone Health Network and Eastern Health.

Bureau d’interprétariat et d’accompagnement (BIA)

This service is for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (SPM) patients and clients only. The BIA provides interpretation and support services for SPM patients and clients during their stay in Newfoundland and Labrador. If you are from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and have any questions about your evasan or your stay in the province, please contact the BIA at 709-800-6190 or If the BIA cannot answer your question, they will relay it to the most appropriate service.

This office is operated by the Newfoundland and Labrador Francophone Health Network as part of a partnership between Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador and Caisse de Prévoyance Sociale.

Liaison services for health-care staff

Bilingual Services Office

This service is for health-care professionals and clerical staff from Eastern Health, Caisse de Prévoyance Sociale, and Centre Hospitalier François Dunan.

The Bilingual Services staff coordinate Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (SPM) outpatient appointments at Eastern Health. If you have any questions or require any information related to your SPM patient, please contact the clerk at 709-777-8361 or

The Bilingual Services staff also provide liaison services between Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon’s Caisse de Prévoyance Sociale, Centre Hospitalier François Dunan and Eastern Health through a health services agreement between those organizations. If you require assistance with the coordination of non-urgent admissions, discharges, or travelling logistics for a SPM patient, please contact the nurse coordinator at 709-777-7763 or

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Last updated: 2023-03-09