Out-of country-patients
Tourists or visitors are not covered by our provincial Health Insurance (MCP) and will be billed for health-care services and as such all heath-care services are billable to the patient. To qualify for provincial health insurance (MCP), you must be a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador. MCP coverage is not automatic and you need to apply for it.
Billing rates are set by the Provincial Department of Health and Community Services, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The fee schedule for services for non-residents of Canada can be found below. Some insurance companies outside Canada will not accept direct billing from Eastern Health. In that case, the process ifs to pay Eastern Health first and then seek reimbursement from your insurance company.
If direct billing is accepted, we will work with your insurance company to facilitate the billing and payment process; however, you, as the patient, are ultimately responsible for the bill. Please call 709-777-1480 option 7 or e-mail accounts.receivable@easternhealth.ca. We do not direct bill for charges totaling less than $1,000 CAD.