Population Health

population health icon in the form of three silhouettes, one with a heart symbol on its chest Population health aims to improve the health and well-being of whole populations, reduce inequities among and between specific population groups and address the needs of the most disadvantaged.

Effective population health requires community, intersectoral and whole-of-government engagement and collaboration to address the broad range of determinants that shape health and well-being. This has been particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eastern Health recognizes that improving the health of the population involves a long-term vision and commitment to reach desired outcomes, while also acknowledging that it is a shared responsibility. Eastern Health will continue to benefit from the expertise of its many community partners and stakeholders to have a significant impact on the health and well-being of the population, while simultaneously reducing health inequities.

Eastern Health’s population health priority aligns with two of the Provincial Government’s Strategic Directions: Healthier People and Better Living.


By March 31, 2023, Eastern Health will have improved health outcomes and reduced health inequities in the populations it serves


Key Performance Indicators

Embedded smoking cessation within clinical practice to ensure smoking cessation efforts were coordinated, systematized and integrated into all health-care settings within Eastern Health
  • Increased reach of smoking cessation program
Strengthened the systems that support public health and well-being
  • Increased percentage of the Public Health e-health digital innovation strategy implemented
Partnered intersectorally to secure increased investments in population health
  • Increased collaboration with partners on population health initiatives

Eastern Health will work to achieve each Population Health objective over all three fiscal years from 2020-2023. An Eastern Health Operational Plan (EHOP) will outline yearly action plans, from 2020-2023, that aim to make progress on each indicator.

The key performance indicators will be monitored across all three years to track progress on the goal and corresponding objectives.

Report on Progress

Report on progress 2021-2022: Strategic priorities (PDF)

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Last updated: 2022-09-29